Contact Samuel

MSc in Project Management
10 Feb 2025 10:06

Hi! I'm Samuel, a graduate of Robert Kennedy College. Let me tell you a bit about myself.

Hello RKC, I graduated MSc in Project Management,
I am from Mozambique-born in Tete Province, and I completed my research dissertation in December 2022. I am in the construction field (Civil and Structure projects) for 22 years now, My background includes Construction Management consultant including Civil & Structural Engineering, Sourcing & Supply Chain Mgt, Energy Efficiency & Sustainability, and Project Management. All these skills pushed me to do MSc in PM, and I got Merit Awarded.
I would be happy to share my studying experience with RKC with all staff/students who need any information, and I am positively waiting to answer any questions which are related to my experience.

RKC attracted me in 2012 when I go through the website, then I did request to do Construction Management in 2016/17 but I did not manage to finalize my registration because I relocated to the country (South Africa) and finance was affected internally.

RKC is in partnership with Salford University and well accredited globally and has a distinct education quality as everyone knows I am a testimony for real, I learned a lot, for example, one the Assignment OaIM which I will never forget, I talked to Dr. David Duffil, sir this assignment is not my field about the music industry (CC), he told me on the webinar, I have to do this Masters Level, I was encouraged and managed to pass well. So, the lecturers are more professional and motivational. I may call them that they are solutions masters for real. RKC has skill development which maximizes students in different opportunities and skills development.

RKC makes your life better and provides easy way of living when you do studies, I advise new students not to hesitate to start a new journey program, All updates and outcomes are shared well on time, also they allow students to discuss on the platform and Prof, Dr, and students forum will assist on-time.

I am happy and proud to study with UK /Swiss schools, Now I am going for a Doctorate program soon, I admire and RKC is worthful to my vision plan, If you have any information or questions about my studying experience with RKC please contact me (+258871665555, / [email protected] or my Salford email in the portal).

College inspired me and gave me confidence which made me what I am today to achieve my work safely and to be a Doctorate student. I wish all new/old students to continue with RKC to accomplish well and benefit with great achievements and I say a great thanks in advance for success in different work modules.

If you have any questions about my experiences of studying with RKC, I would be happy to share them with you.

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