Hi! I'm Ishmeal, a student of Robert Kennedy College.
Let me tell you a bit about myself.
Education has always been a luxury for me, and I am excited to share that I have been privileged with the opportunity provided by the RKC online campus. As a full-time worker, I have always been concerned about how to pursue academic advancement while working. Thanks to RKC's program, I have been able to achieve this. As a former child soldier who never had the opportunity to graduate, this has been an amazing opportunity for me.
My experience was unique, as I often worked until 8pm, rushed home to sleep briefly, and then woke up at 4am every day to study until 6:30am before getting ready for work. It was a truly bittersweet experience, but in the end, it was fulfilling, and I am grateful to RKC for the opportunity. If it was not an online program, I could not have been able to do this, because of my very busy work schedule.
If you have any questions about my experiences of studying with RKC, I would be happy to share them with you.